Hi! If you're reading this, you probably know Bobby and me, Jessica :) The Paleo-Leath-ic Diet is our post Whole 30, gotta keep things in check, oh shit, I'm almost 40 (Bobby's 42.) but don't want to be too strict new way of eating. We've committed to each other that we will be healthier in our 40's than we were in our 30's. To me personally this includes spirit, mind, AND, body. And we all know that what you put into your body impacts your spirit and mind.
Our "diet" is based on what we've learned from Whole 30, Paleo, our personal sensitivities/problem/trigger foods (like Coke Zero) and what we have decided are our own "worth it foods." Like for me, an occassional P Terry's cheeseburger and fries or House Pizzeria pepperoni pizza.
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Logging this is to help me remember certain meals I've had that I liked and can repeat again when I'm in a rut; shopping ideas; perhaps linking recipes for later; and most of all; self-accountability.
We started on Sunday without having gone to the grocery store yet.
fried eggs
banana + coconut flakes + cashews+ cinnamon
coffee+coconut oil+ghee
"Lunch" (Pre-grocery store trip)
carrots + almond butter + raisins
chewy chocolate paleo cookies
"Snack" (pre-grocery store trip)
Dinner...still using up what we have
plain hot dog + mustard
baked beans
strawberry fruit bar
It wasn't a perfect start but I felt good about it. Bobby said he enjoyed doing this together because it helps him feel like we are a team. I hate making my lunch for the next day, but tonight we did it together and felt like we accomplished something positive.
P.S. I had a few sips of this yummy beer